Apply for LLR or Driving Licence through Online in Tamilnadu
Tamilnudu government announced the people who wants to get the driving license or LLR can apply through the Online.
This would enable the license seekers to save time spent on visiting Regional Transport Offices and waiting there for long hours. Since an acknowledgment was given online, those registering for LLR could note down the number and approach the nearest RTOs for getting LLRs after passing the initial tests online and payment of requisite fees.
Another advantage was the registrant could choose the date and time on which he could visit the RTO for initial tests to get the LLR.
Online Apply for Learner License (LLR) in Tamil Nadu (
Tamil Nadu Transport Department recently launched a new facilty for applying Learner's License Online. Now citizen can apply for Learners Licensce (LLR) sitting infront of the computer having internet connection. So no need to got to RTO and fill the form. This Save your valuable time. Also you can choose any available date to visit RTO on that date for LLR Test. Online apply facility is available for RTOs mentiond in the List Online RTO List
Citizens can apply Learner's License by going through the URL Online Apply
Who can apply for Learner's License?
1. Motor Cycle without Gear (Not exceeding 50 cc) : Any person who has completed 16 years of age , 2. Motor Cycle with Gear and Light Motor Vehicle : Any person who has completed 18 years of age , 3. Transport Vehicle : Any person who has completed 20 years of age , if he/she has 1 year’s experience in driving a Light Motor vehicle and has obtained a badge
How to apply?
When you open the above URL , the following screen appears.

It is mandatory to fill First Name, Current Address, Permanent Address Village/Town , City . Then selet RTO where you want to apply, Transaction Type, Transaction subType. Then Check availabilty date for test and select. Finally enter authorisation code appears on the screen and complete the entry screen by submit button.
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