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07 November, 2012

Uttarakhand ITI-2012 Counseling Schedule/Seat Allotment

UPDATED on 09-10-2012

There are counseling scheduled for vacant seats after third round on Government ITI campus basis. Candidate can get the form from the GITI(Government ITI) and submit with the related ,required documents and Rs 50/- fees to the concerned GITI.

Date Information : Candidate can get and submit the form from 10-10-2012 to 17-10-2012 and merit will be published on 20-10-2012.Candidate can take the admission from 22-10-2012 to 25-10-2012 to the opted college.

 If above link not work click on below link

UPDATED on 29-09-2012

As per the notice published in the newspapers, there will be a 3rd and final online counseling round from 29/09/2012 for filling up the remaining seats after converting all the horizontal seats in to their respective OPEN categories under General, SC, ST and OBC.In the 3rd and final Round, online Registration/Choices-submission work can be carried out from 29/09/2012 10.00 AM to 02/10/2012 midnight.
The Result of 3rd and final round of Seat Allotment shall be declared on 03/10/2012 and reporting in the colleges will be from 04/10/2012 to 06/10/2012.The candidates who had deposited Counseling Fee in 1st and 2nd rounds are only eligible for participating in 3rd and Final round of Counseling.All those candidates who had deposited their counseling fee in SBI during 1st and 2nd rounds irrespective of whether they have been allotted seat or not, or unable to register or unable to fill choices can take part in 3rd and Final round of counseling.All the candidates who were allotted seats in 1st/2nd rounds and had taken admission in allotted colleges can participate in 3rd and Final round of counseling for seat upgradation. The seat occupied by them in earlier rounds will be cancelled automatically if they are allotted new seat in 3rd round.
Candidates are advised to see the Seat Matrix for Round-3 available on the website under before participating in 3rd and final round.Candidates are advised to see the List of Trades available qualification-wise before doing their registration/choices-submission work.Incase of problem in Login, Candidates can reset their password either by giving the Journal Number provided by the Bank in the challan as Transaction-ID OR by giving the answer of security question set by them at the time of initial registration.
Candidates can fill as many choices as they want. Candidates can see their filled choices through Filled-Choices option and also Lock/un-Lock their choices for modifications if any.
Candidates may like to refer the Instructions for Candidates for Round-3 available on this website before participating in 3rd and Final round of ITI

UPDATED on 13-09-2012

Candidates are advised to see the Seat Matrix forRound-2  before participating in 2nd round.Candidates are advised to read the Instructions for Candidates Round-2 carefully before participating in 2nd round of ITI Online-counseling.

The Second Round of online Registration/Choices-submission is from 14/09/2012 10.00 AM to 18/09/2012 midnight.

UPDATED on 12-09-2012
Counseling Fee can be deposited in SBI after downloading the challan from this website during 12/09/2012 to 15/09/2012 for participating in 2nd round of online ITI counseling.

Candidates who had already deposited counseling fee during 1st round areadvised NOT TO DEPOSIT any additional counseling Fee in SBI for taking part in 2nd round of counseling scheduled from 14/09/2012 to 18/09/2012.

                All the candidates who were allotted seats in 1st round and had taken admission in allotted colleges can participate in 2nd round of counseling for seat upgradation. The seat occupied by them in 1st round will be cancelled automatically if they are allotted new seat in 2nd round
All those candidates who had deposited their counseling fee in SBI during 1st round irrespective of whether they have been allotted seat or not, or unable to register or unable to fill choices can also take part in 2nd round of counseling without paying any additional counseling fee.

UPDATED on 1-09-2012

Candidates who had not taken admission during 1st round are advised to report in allotted colleges immediately. Last date is extended till 11/09/2012.
As per the revised schedule, the Date of Reporting during 1st round is extended till 11/09/2012 (midnight).

03 SEP 2012 

The Result of 1st round of Seat Allotment has been declared and its intimation conveyed over SMS. Candidates are advised to download their allotment Letter from the website after Login into the system.
Candidates can report at Allotted colleges during 04/09/2012 to 08/09/2012 for taking admissions in 1st round.

Only 9564 candidates had deposited their counseling fee in SBI till last date (29/08/2012)for participating in 1st round.

Uttarakhand ITI-2012 Counseling Schedule

Counseling Phase
Date of submit the counseling fees in Bank
Date of registration and submit the online choices
Date of Allotted college/Branch
Date of Reporting to Allotted college for documents verification and joining
First Phase
Second Phase 

All the candidate who was appeared in the entrance exam for ITI 2012 are  eligible for the first phase of counseling
Candidate ,who would not taken part in first phase of counseling and who want to upggradation  their seat which was allotted in first phase can take part in second phase counseling.
Online Counseling for ITI has been scheduled for taking admission in ITIs in uttarakhand for the session 2012-2013.Counseling will start from 22 August 2012.

It is informed to candidate that they read all the information and guidelines which is given in advertisement for counseling on http://ukiti.nic.in.
Candidate can submit the Counseling fee  Rs. 100  + Rs. 25 of banking charge through bank challan.Candidate can download the bank challan from the counseling website  by insert their  roll number.
Candidate can submit the choices and registration on online counseling website after three days of deposit the counseling fees.
Candidate should check all the related documents for submit the online counseling form.
Candidate takes the password and Journal No. safely. It will used at the time of reporting in allotted institute.
Candidate gets the allotted college information on the counseling website and through SMS also.
Candidate should submit all the required documents as per Entrance Brochure- 2012 with the attested copies and 3 photos on or before the last date in the allotted college otherwise their seats will be treated as a vacant in the second phase of counseling.
Seat details will be published on the counseling website on 22 august 2012.
HELP-Desk phone numbers of Uttarakhand ITI-2102 Counseling are 9152167853,9152167854,9152167855,9152167856 .Candidate can contact on these numbers from 10 am to 5 pm on working days.

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